Printing catalogues with Samper

L’Art de la Pâte A Choux
The training school of the MOF (best French artisan) pastry maker Stéphane Glacier commissions us with the complete project (design, printing and binding) for the prestigious brand Moulins de Chars cookbook as a gift. The binding is hardcover with a die-cut slipcover to enhance its presentation. Imprenta Samper provides comprehensive service by creating a slipcover and putting together the publication. The binding is hardcover with a die-cut slipcover to enhance its presentation. Imprenta Samper provides comprehensive service by creating a slipcover and putting together the publication.
SBK Marketing Book
Client: DORNA
Dorna commissions us with its Marketing Book, where it presents the information on the organisation of the World Superbike Championship. Equipment, drivers, tracks, spectators, television coverage, press, sponsors, and so on are included in this catalogue printed by Imprenta Samper. The quality of images and the combination of predominant colours such as red and black is impressive and result in a top-quality graphic product. We’d like to highlight the handcrafted red-dyed edges of the binding.
Create emotion, dream… PCB strives to convert creativity into attractive products that are innovative leaders in high-quality baked goods. By combining experience with the latest technology, the passion for excellence grows daily at PCB. Imprenta Samper put into their hands all the technical resources and knowledge in order to create an impact with spectacular graphic finishes that will be engraved on the retinas of the reader.
Les Histories d´Alice
Les Histoires de Alice & Co. is a company specialising in the custom design and manufacture of any type of decoration, including the creation of lines of furniture in all styles. This client’s requirements of Imprenta Samper are reflected in this catalogue, which combines the elegance and exquisiteness of its cover/ folder with the high-resolution photographic detail of its information sheets.
Salones Code furniture Catalogue
Lanmobel is a cooperative with 50 years’ experience in the manufacture of furniture. Thanks to a great team of professionals it has been expanding with great success to date through major investments in its facilities. Imprenta Samper, as a connoisseur in the printed world furniture, shares its knowledge to produce stunning sales support. A catalogue-plus format where images and diagrams guide the end client to the best choice.
Youth Team
The focus on youth is clearly evident in the different compositions of bedrooms shown by the catalogue. Cheerful and perky colours are achieved through exceptional printing at Samper. Worthy of note are hardcover and the sampler with wood and glass inside the cover. Handcrafted work.
Salones Harmony furniture catalogue
Imprenta Samper provides its know-how, providing first-class technical solutions and unifying the catalogue/sampler into one. Die-cutting and handling become the greatest challenges of the project and are satisfactorily resolved. Imprenta Samper helps to sell.
Destination Asia
Since 1985, Byblostours has established itself as a national and international leader and is recognised as one of the world’s most reputable travel agencies. Pioneers have revolutionised the world of travel with the introduction of cultural trips in Spain, trips to Egypt and the Middle East routes and routes that were unthinkable in the 1980s, such as Papua New Guinea, Korea, Yemen, Libya, and so on. Imprenta Samper prints and binds all the information necessary for the traveller to choose the destination of their dreams.