Printing mailings with Samper

PCB client fidelisation campaign
Client: PCB Creation
Our french customer, PCB Creation, entrusted us with their fidelization campaign, which includes the printing of the envelope, leaflet, flyer and personalised fidelity card. Samper digitally prints the addresses, client code, accumulated points and their exchange value, which are variable data. Fully personalised “One to One” mailing featuring its finishing with a die cut on the cover of the leaflet.
La fibra lo cambia todo (Fibre changes everything)
Euskaltel strengthens its communication strategy using content marketing in its designs. The custom printed mailing is a star channel and tool in its marketing department and they trust Imprenta Samper as its usual supplier for all of its campaigns. In this new “you deserve a 10” action, Samper uses a non-conventional, solid envelope, with glue + 1 personalised letter. In the envelope insertion process, we provide the client with a safety system called “check” where we verify common data for a successful insertion.
La oferta es insuperable (The offer is unbeatable)
This time, the client-Samper collaboration has resulted in a self-mailer. A self-mailer refers to a piece of paper that, after several folds, adjustments and gluing becomes a self-mailer that serves as an envelope. Of course approved by the National Mail Service. Euskaltel promotes switching to optical fibre by offering 3 months free.
IMQ Decesos (Burial)
Grupo IMQ comprises a division focused on health insurance (IMQ Seguros) and a second division, which provides healthcare and assistance services called IMQ Servicios. The doctors are owners of and shareholders in the company, besides being service providers. By number of insured, IMQ Seguros is the leading company in the Basque Country, with over 312 000 customers and 500 companies. Imprenta Samper provides direct marketing support and is part of all the campaigns launched by this company. One example is the offer of a new insurance policy (IMQ Decesos – Burial) through personalised direct mailing comprising a glued envelope, three-fold pamphlet and a letter of introduction.
“Nos hemos cambiado” (“We’ve changed”)
Seguros Bilbao is a Vizcaya-based company founded in 1918 and has included Catalana Occidente Group since 2004. It has approximately 600 employees and more than 1,500 brokers. The insurance company’s insurance policies and financial products are aimed at individuals, professionals, businesses and SMEs. Imprenta Samper provides all the advantages of data management systems and the right machinery for printing the various mailings for the insurance group. The “new office” campaign is an example of the standardisation of colours in all its graphic elements.